Communication Preferences Since Focus TeleContact has been designed to be able to use any modem that is connected to the Macintosh it is running on, certain parameters are required to be adjusted for full utilization of all available features of the modem. Additionally, through the preferences dialog, user can customize the modem to their working habits and requirements. The following sections would describe how to setup the TeleContact application and a detailed description of each component. • Modem Model: This popup menu contains all configuration strings for numerous make and model of modems available for your computer. To select a pre-defined configuration for the modem required, simply click in this popup menu and scroll to the appropriate modem and release the mouse on the desired modem. All the required definitions for the modems listed in this menu are included within the TeleContact application. If you can not find the your model of modem in this list please read the later section titled How To Setup An Unlisted Modem for more details. • Modem Connected To: All desktop an some notebook Macintosh models are equipped with two serial ports, namely, the modem and printer/AppleTalk ports. Certain Powerbook models contain only one serial port externally and one internal port for use with an internal modem. This popup menu allows the user to select the port to which the modem is connected. For computers with two external serial ports please select the modem or the printer port. For the computers with the internal modems, please select the Modem Port menu item since the external serial port is the printer/AppleTalk port. If after setup you receive a message saying that the modem could not be found, please check the cables, whether or not the correct port is selected, the modem is turned on and try again. • Speaker: Most modems are equipped with an internal speaker which provides the user with audio feedback for dialing, connection to a remote modem, and during communication. This popup menu allows the user to select when the internal speaker should be active. The On Until Carrier Detect option allows the user to hear the modem open the phone line, dial the phone number and negotiate with the remote modem and after the connection, the speaker is turned off. Optionally, the user can turn the speaker always on or off using the Always on and Always Off options respectively. • Loudness: The loudness of the modem's internal speaker can be adjusted through this popup menu. Certain modems by various manufacturers are equipped with a dial on the modem which adjusts the speaker volume. For such modems, the selected loudness level in this popup menu would have no effect and the loudness control dial on the modem must be used. • Dial Type: Although in most of the United states and many countries the touch tone has become standard, the pulse mode used by rotary telephones is still used in certain areas. This popup menu allows the user to select the correct dial type. If your telephone company provides both dialing methods, it is suggested to use the Touch Tone option for faster dialing and more complete set of dialing capabilities. In some European countries the dial tone is either to low or it takes slightly longer to be activated. In such cases, user can select the Blind Touch tone or the Blind Pulse options to eliminate any problems the modem may have sensing the dial tone. • Hardware Handshaking: This popup menu can be used to turn the hardware handshaking on or off. If your modem supports hardware handshaking and you have the proper serial cable (should have been shipped with the modem if you purchased it as a Macintosh modem), please select this option if possible for more reliable communications. If you are not sure if your modem supports hardware handshaking please consult your modems manual. • Auto Answer Mode: Certain modems support the auto answer mode of the TeleContact. In this mode, TeleContact uses the modem to continually scan the telephone line for incoming calls. It will then take the phone off hook and begin the negotiation with the remote computer. In the event the telephone line is shared with other devices such as an answering machine or a fax machine, user can select the number of rings the TeleContact application would wait before answering the incoming call. For example, if the answering machine is set to answer on second ring, and TeleContact is set to answer on the first ring, the TeleContact takes control before the answering machine has a chance to greet the caller. It is highly recommended to use one of many telephone line managers available commercially. Such line managers would analyze incoming calls and connect the call to the correct device. See your local computer dealer on availability and pricing of these devices. • Connection Speed: The maximum speed attainable by two communicating modems can greatly be effected by the quality of the phone connection. This may be more evident in some European phone systems which still employ the pulse dialing method. If you continually experience loss of connection or the transfer takes longer than expected, you may wish to reduce the maximum speed to eliminate the problem. The default setting for the connection speed is "Maximum Possible" which allows the modems to negotiate for the highest speed possible. Other options which are available to the user are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 34800, and 56700 BPS. The best approach to finding an optimum speed if you are experiencing connection problems are to begin with the speed of your modem and reducing the speed one level at a time until you achieve a reliable connection. For example, if you own a 28.8 modem, begin at 28800 setting and if not successful, 14400, 9600, ... until a reliable connection has been established. Only the calling modem needs to adjust its speed. The receiving modems setting should remain at the "Maximum Possible". The TeleContact application at the receiving end will take care of speed adjustment automatically. • Disable Call Waiting By Dialing: This portion of the communication preferences dialog contains a check box and an editable field which allow the user to disable call waiting if they subscribe to such a service. If you have call waiting service, it needs to be disabled since it would result in a session loss if a second call comes in during a file transfer. A default value of 1170 is entered as default, if not sure, please contact your service provider for the correct combination for disabling the call waiting feature. After the correct combination is entered in the editable text field, to turn call waiting on or off, simply click in the check box on the left. • Reach Outside line By Dialing: This feature allows you to access the outside line if you are calling from an internal phone system which requires certain numbers dialed before accessing the outside line. The default number, 9, is entered. If required, change the number according to your system requirements. If you do not operate the TeleContact from and internal phone system, leave this option unchecked. • Overwrite The Init String With: This portion of the communication preferences window gives the user the ability to write a custom initialization string. The use of this feature is provided for expert users only. For example, if the user would be operating the computers at sending and receiving ends, it may be desired to make minor adjustments to increase the efficiency of the file transfer. Furthermore, if the specific modem use by the user is not included in the modem list, it would be possible to enter an initialization string to use for the modem in this field. Since modem manufacturers produce new models every year as the telecommunication technology advances, the list in the modem model menu is continually updated. Please check the bulletin boards and on-line services for the updates of this list. The updates would be in form of a standalone application which would update the installed version of the Focus TeleContact application. • Description: The description field dynamically displays brief help text for various parts of the communication preferences window. To view a brief description user can simply move the mouse on top of the desired item. • OK Button: This button can be use to save all modifications to the setting and return to the main window. After the changes are saved, the modem is reinitialized to reflect the modifications. • Cancel Button: The cancel button allows the user to return to the main window without saving any changes made and resetting of the modem.